Thursday 26 April 2012

missing him and surprising her

come to think of it, within a few days it will be a year since he left and today also marks my mother's birthday. coming together in being apart is in fact the worst feeling but then again it is time to move on or maybe try something to help me get through the pain. i remember days when she would let me go over to visit him and she knew of our distant friendship. she was not happy when i told her about him leaving in such a tragic manner but she was glad he went off to a better place. glad indee for though there is sadness lurking, this day is for her to enjoy and i'll be there to give her just that and for him pray that with his guidance i will be stundee! # happy thursday , happy birthday to my mom and happy days for those who miss you...

Monday 23 April 2012


people who love people and who are loved in return, are the luckiest people in the world. i forgot how she looked the day she was crying but her face lingers in my memory like a tattoo on my brain. i cannot remember why but her words still pierce my very heart. i do not know when but she will return. i do not recall but it was her that went down on her knees and begged me not to forget. i cannot remember but what i can tell you is that i should never find anyone like her... # i love her...

Thursday 19 April 2012

revival of reggie-loserville

i have always chosen to see the best in people and somehow i think that is not working for me. i have come into what they call a moment of failing to remind myself of the kind of people i left back home. stupidity, in my case should have pills because really i need help in order to be cured for being such an idiot. i am more than fustrated, i am beyond furious. i shelved my anger some time ago so that people could get to know the real me without having to lash out at them for no apparent reason and somehow i am sensing that i am going to take it out. like on a serious note i may have never killed a man but i will sure as hell drive his soul to death...# i am going to pray for myself that i do not spare his life...