Wednesday 23 May 2012

creating you

God took his time making you and moulding you into the perfect being for your parents. With you he gave them love, life and more reason to wake up in the morning. Some grew up to be disappointments or even successes but all the while you remain your parents' child. It is now time to create you. You are with purpose and to fulfill that very purpose you have to create yourself into not the ideal person but in fact the ideal person for you. You know what you are capable of and feel that just sitting around and pleasing others is not the way to go... Get up and start creating. Create space in that clustered cupboard of yours. Create ways to get out of bed and please go to work so you can feed and take care of yourself. Create a fanbase like get some friends, those people create the best days, lunches (or in my case parties), trash bins for your heavy heart and love in your life whereas you grew up not knowing what the very word means. Create a shopping list, winter fashion is just pleasing for the eyes, mind, body and spirit. Create a world for you and you alone where you can just offload or enjoy yourself. But the most important is creating time for the very person who made it possible for you to even think of creating and that is GOD... # LOVE HIM! LOVE YOU! LOVE FAMILY AND FRIENDS! LOVE THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU! LOVE LIFE! AND LOVE THE WORLD!

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