Wednesday 16 May 2012

crucify the candles

the memory of his death still lingers as to how i should his last moments with him. when we met i had a love for candles that couold never be overridden by anyone or anything else... with that in mind, he bought me a candle to celebrate our friendship and ever since thursday's have been my very source of reminding me of his presence and effect on my life. i go around trying to convince myself myself that i am probably much better off without him, but the social networing regime has never been the same. i thought conversations never had value until he spoke, i thought anger when he did everything in his ability to install happiness in and i thought pain with his death and somehow i am thinking joy at the fact that though little the time i had with him, i am lucky to have known of him... #the candles are going with the thought that it is time to let go, not so much an easy thing but a good thing because he would have wanted me to be happy and remember him in vain...

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