Wednesday 6 June 2012

Give Praise to The Saviour

Ever had a feeling like the one I had been experiencing not so long ago and have someone just pull you out of your misery and make you feel better? Yes... I am talking about God and of course a friend indeed. I was going on about how almost every aspect in my life doesn't make sense anymore and the people in  my life don't mean as much to me as they did before. I kept on with the soul searching and of course moody attitude, that could take on a storm for days. I took time to note the questions and the people asking them and how my normal self would react to such, then again I politely answered yes or no and pokay for most of them. It kept me going and then I just burst and well now I am glad to say I have not let whatever I was feeling take over me as a whole... So I prayed until it hurt and cried until I felt a bit dehydrated and then I became whole, like really empty of all the bad things and faced life as of this morning...
Behold the 5 Steps to a Better You by REAGILE KGOKONG a..k.a. LOSERVILLE:
1. Ask yourself what is wrong
2. Bring yourself to understanding and acknowedging why you feel that way
3. I know chocolate is bad but just one piece wouldn't hurt and tune into a really cool chick flick
4. Now that you have gone through feeling rather sorry for yourself (no offence), sit down and figure out a way to sort out your problem
5. Just like the movie... Pray, Eat and Love!
#Those heels are still calling out your name... So go ahead and make yourself look the way you feel and that is BEAUTIFUL...

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